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Complete Concrete Services in Weber County

Tiger's Concrete is the name homeowners and residential contractors trust for high-quality concrete services throughout Weber, Davis, and Box Elder County. Our owner has over 16 years of experience in the concrete industry, so he and his crew of experts are prepared to handle any size residential concrete project. When properly installed, a high-quality concrete installation can dramatically improve your home’s curb appeal, functionality, and safety. We provide a personalized experience for each customer, so you can feel confident no detail of your project is overlooked. Schedule your project consultation today.

outside view of a house

Driveway Services

Utah’s freeze-and-thaw cycle can cause the ground beneath your driveway to shift, leading to cracks, divots, and uneven surfaces. We use high-quality products and proper installation techniques to ensure a long-lasting driveway surface that will dramatically transform the exterior of your home. Our driveway services include the following:

  • Replacements
  • Repairs
  • Tear Outs
swimming pool

Sports Courts and Swimming Pool Surrounds

We all want a homecourt advantage, and Tiger's Concrete can make it happen with our sports court installation services. Whether you’re installing a half-size basketball court or a full-size pickleball court, we’ll ensure you enjoy an even and flat playing surface for countless hours of exercise and fun. We also provide custom installation for pool surrounds, so you have a place to lounge and entertain friends and family during get-togethers.

Curved path in the shape of a wave on the grass in the Park.

Concrete Patios

Patios make a great area for enjoying your outdoor space. Once the installation is complete, you’ll have room to relax outdoors or enjoy the beautiful evening during dinner. Our concrete technicians can design and install a concrete patio intended specifically for your needs. Whether your patio becomes an extension of your interior space or you just want an outdoor area for relaxation, we can help.

Stamped Concrete Porch and Sidewalk

Concrete Walkways & Stairs

Damaged walkways and stairs can lead to uneven surfaces, which can cause significant injury. Not only that, but they can also detract from your home’s curb appeal. The skilled concrete technicians at Tiger's Concrete will inspect your current walkway or stairs and recommend a repair or replacement service. New or repaired entryways provide better safety and improve your home’s look and value.

Workers doing waterproofing on the rooftop

Decorative Concrete, Stamping, and Staining

At Tiger's Concrete, our technicians provide every customer with hands-on, personalized services to match their needs and budget. All our concrete work has tight lines and a clean finish. However, we also offer premium decorative finishes, including stamping and staining, so you get the durability and affordability of concrete and an unmatched style. Our concrete finishes are better than anyone else in the area.

Concrete pouring from Cement Mixer

Site Prep and Grading

Before concrete is poured, the site must be prepared correctly. Our owner oversees every project we complete, including site prep and grading job sites. His invaluable insight and knowledge ensure that your job site remains clean throughout the entire process and is completed to the exact specifications needed to make the rest of your project successful.

Concrete Solutions for All Your Residential Needs

Homeowners throughout Weber, Davis, and Box Elder County trust Tiger's Concrete for all their concrete solutions. Installing new concrete improves your home’s functionality, safety, and value. Our skilled team can design and install the perfect concrete surface for your needs. We use high-quality materials, techniques, and processes to provide superior solutions. When it’s time to upgrade the look of your home with concrete services, trust our experts. We’re dedicated to ensuring you’re totally satisfied with our services. Get started today with a project consultation.

Schedule Your Consultation