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Concrete Walkways and Stairs Enhance Your Home’s Safety

Crooked, uneven walkways and slippery wooden exterior staircases can become even more hazardous during snow and rainstorms. If you’re concerned about the safety and look of your home’s exterior, Tiger's Concrete can help. We design and install concrete walkways and stairs for customers throughout Weber, Davis, and Box Elder County. Our team uses high-quality materials and the proper installation techniques for a beautiful new concrete form. As a locally-owned business, we love seeing how new concrete walkways and stairs improve the safety, value, and style of our customers’ homes. Speak to one of our technicians today to get started.

Curved path in the shape of a wave on the grass in the Park.

Enjoy Even Footing on Your Concrete Walkway

Walkways are meant to provide a safe area for walking. However, if you have an old, broken asphalt walkway or no walkway at all, it can become a safety concern, especially for older homeowners, those with disabilities, or small children. Not only that, but walking across your lawn and creating a makeshift path can detract from your home’s curb appeal and value. At Tiger's Concrete, we offer walkway design and installation services. Whether you have an existing walkway needing replacing or want to install a new one, we’re the experts you can trust. Concrete walkways are popular among homeowners in the area for the following reasons:

  • Enhanced Durability
  • Clean and Modern Look
  • Customizable Patterns and Stains
  • Countless Designs and Layouts
Stamped Concrete Porch and Sidewalk

Create an Impressive Entry to Your Home

Concrete stairs are an affordable, long-lasting solution if you’re searching for ways to dramatically improve your home’s curb appeal while making it safer for you and your family. Wooden stairs can quickly fade, and wood rot creates an easy roadway for pests, such as termites, to enter your home. Our team of experts can design a concrete staircase using high-quality concrete that will last decades. We even offer decorative stamping and staining to enhance the appearance of your entryway.

Trust the Local Professionals for Walkways and Stair Installs

For over 16 years, our owner has been providing high-quality concrete services to residential clients throughout Weber, Davis, and Box Elder County. He oversees every project to ensure the same expertise and care is placed into all new concrete services, including concrete walkways and stairs installations. We don’t rely on sub-contractors. Instead, we employ a team of in-house and highly-trained experts to complete any size residential project. If you are interested in improving the value of your home, increasing its safety, and enhancing the curb appeal, find out how we can help with a new concrete walkway or stairs.

Schedule Your Consultation