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Concrete Slab and Pad Installation in Weber County

Lay the groundwork for your next residential project with concrete slab or pad installation. Tiger's Concrete serves homeowners throughout Weber, Davis, and Box Elder County. Concrete slabs and pads are used for a wide variety of residential construction projects as well as a standalone feature for storage. Our trained technicians have completed numerous slab or pad installations for residential use. We follow a comprehensive installation technique to prevent cracks and breaks. Let us help you make your next project a success with a solid foundation installed using high-quality materials.

Do I Need a Concrete Slab or Pad?

Some features and elements of your home or outdoor space may require a level and dry surface. Luckily, the professionals at Tiger's Concrete offer concrete slab and pad installation services. Depending on the size and project specifications, your concrete slab or pad will be reinforced with metal rebar for extra stability and durability. Some of the most common uses for concrete slab or pad installation include the following:

Vehicle Storage

A concrete slab is the perfect option if you've recently purchased an RV, antique vehicle, or boat but don't have a place to store them during the winter. A sturdy and level concrete slab makes it easier for you to store and service your recreational vehicles. We use high-quality materials to ensure that your slab will hold under the weight.

Hardscape Feature

Homeowners love beautifying their outdoor space by adding benches or gazebos. However, if they're built without the support of a concrete slab, they will deteriorate more rapidly. A concrete slab provides an excellent foundation for your garden accents.


Central air units require a flat, dry surface to operate at maximum efficiency. A professionally installed concrete slab won't sink, crack, or break, so you and your family can stay comfortable

Hot Tub

New hot tub? Unfortunately, once the hot tub is filled with water and people, it becomes too heavy to be supported by your deck. We can install a thick concrete slab reinforced with rebar, which ensures you can enjoy countless hours of fun.

Choose the Local Leader for Concrete Slab & Pad Installation

A new concrete slab or pad has a wide variety of uses for homeowners throughout Weber County, Davis County, and Box Elder County. When you choose us, we’ll take the time to understand your project requirements and make recommendations to ensure your project succeeds. As a locally owned and operated business, we’re committed to providing high-quality services for all your concrete needs. Our owner has over 16 years of experience in the industry and has installed concrete slabs and pads for a wide variety of uses. Speak to our team today to get started with your installation.

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