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Enhance Your Outdoors With Concrete Patio Installations

Tiger's Concrete is the local leader for concrete installation services, including patios. Our owner has over 16 years of experience designing and installing new concrete patios in homes throughout Weber, Davis, and Box Elder County. As an owner-operated business, we take great pride in providing hands-on and attentive services to each of our customers. Our concrete work is known for having tight lines and clean finishes, and we’ve mastered the “brooming” finishing technique to create a stunning and elegant look for your outdoor area. Learn more about the benefits of installing a new patio and our comprehensive installation process.

poolside concrete work

Transform Your Outdoor Space With a New Patio

Whether your home sits on acres of land or you live in a thickly settled area, every homeowner wants to make the most of their outdoor space. A new patio provides you and your family with a clean, durable, and safe area to host outdoor dinners, spend time with friends and family, and simply relax during the day or night. Our patios can be customized to meet your exact needs, style, and budget. Let our team of experts design the perfect patio to enhance your outdoor space and home.

Complete Patio Design and Installation

Choosing the right company is critical once you’ve decided it’s time to install a new outdoor patio. At Tiger's Concrete, we take a comprehensive approach to patio installation that fulfills your needs and ensures other factors you may not have thought about are considered for a long-lasting patio that provides decades of memories. Our knowledgeable and experienced team, led by our owner, will walk you through the steps of designing and installing your new patio, which includes:


During the consultation, our team will learn about your project needs, including the total square footage, budget, style, and layout. We'll create a project timeline for completion.


We'll start the planning phase once you've approved the project. Site preparation and planning will protect your concrete patio from breaking when the ground beneath shifts due to the freeze-and-thaw cycle.


After the gravel has been laid and the form has been created, we'll begin pouring the concrete. We use high-quality concrete, the right tools, and commercial-grade equipment to ensure an even and elegant surface. Ask our team about adding unique textures, patterns, and stains.


We strive to maintain a clean and professional-looking job site. However, once the project installation is complete, we'll take extra care to clean up any scrap material and leftover debris.

Make the Most of Your Outdoor Space

Are you tired of being cramped indoors? A new patio is the perfect way to extend your living area by seamlessly merging the interior and exterior of your home. At Tiger's Concrete, our knowledgeable and skilled concrete technicians can install an outdoor patio with the right design, layout, and size for any occasion. Whether your home has become the hub for family gatherings and friendly get-togethers, or you just want a space for you and your partner to spend some time outdoors, take the first step. Schedule your project consultation today.

Schedule Your Consultation